Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – March 29, 2020
Download MP3Question and Answer session with Pastor-Teacher Jim Osman during the Adult Sunday School hour at Kootenai Church.
Some of the questions include:
- Is there going to be birth and death in the new earth based on Isaiah 65:17-25?
- What Podcasts do you listen to?
- STRAsk – Greg Koukl https://www.str.org/podcasts
- Alpha and Omega Ministries by James White https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/webcast/
- American Conservative University – Avoid Sunday stuff from Mormons https://player.fm/series/american-conservative-university-podcast
- Art of Manliness https://www.artofmanliness.com/category/podcast/
- Ben Shapiro Show https://www.iheart.com/podcast/404-the-ben-shapiro-show-28178102/
- Christian Worldview Radio Program https://player.fm/series/the-christian-worldview-radio-program
- Contra Krugman https://contrakrugman.com/category/podcasts/
- Crossroads Bible Church http://cbcbellevue.com/podcast
- Dan Bongino Show http://www.westwoodonepodcasts.com/pods/the-dan-bongino-show/
- Expositor with Pastor Steven Lawson http://www.onepassionministries.org/expositor-podcast
- Freekanomics https://freakonomics.com/podcast/peak/
- Grace to you Pulpit Podcast with Pastor John MacArthur https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grace-to-you-pulpit-podcast/id295647558
- Grace Life Pulpit with Phil Johnson https://www.thegracelifepulpit.com/sermons.aspx
- Listening In from World Magazine https://world.wng.org/radio/listeningin
- Matt Walsh https://soundcloud.com/mattwalshshow
- Motley Fool https://www.fool.com/podcasts/
- Steve Deace Show https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/conservative-review/steve-deace-show
- Thinking Out Loud https://www.rzim.org/listen/thinking-out-loud
- Tom Woods show https://tomwoods.com/podcasts
- The Verdict with Ted Cruz https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/verdict-with-ted-cruz/id1495601614
- The way I heard with Mike Rowe https://mikerowe.com/podcast/
- The world and everything in it https://world.wng.org/radio/worldandeverything
- Wretched Radio https://www.wretched.org/radio/
- How I built this with Guy Roz https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/how-i-built-this/yelp-jeremy-stoppelman-JcsACjH9QiN/
- What is the sign hanging over your shoulder?
- Is it always wrong for a Christian to lie?
- Is a Christian supposed to follow the old testament law? Clarified what about current civil law?
- Where does the soul come from, is it created or does it come from our parents?