Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – August 30, 2009
Download MP3Question and Answer session with Pastor-Teacher Jim Osman during the Adult Sunday School hour at Kootenai Church.
Some of the questions include:
- When sharing the gospel with a Mormon, should you begin with Galatians 1?
- Does Scripture teach that God always heals Christians?
- How do you comfort someone whose loved one is ill?
- Is laying on of hands essential for effective prayer?
- Why do we think that sign gifts are no longer needed and operating in the church?
- Does the doctrine of “hearing from God” denigrate Bible study?
- What should our attitude be in discussing these things with the brethren?
- Does the Bible need to be authenticated today?
- What is the relationship between miracles and providence?
- Psalm 86:8 – why is “Works” capitalized in my NKJV?