Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – April 26, 2020
Download MP3Question and Answer session with Pastor-Teacher Jim Osman during the Adult Sunday School hour at Kootenai Church.
Some of the questions include:
- Revisiting and clarification of women’s role in the church and explanation of egalitarianism?
- Is what we see in Genesis Chapter 2, prescriptive or descriptive, as God communicated to Adam first, then created Eve, so every teaching without exception must be by men? (Genesis 2:15-18)
- Does Titus 2:3-5 mean women can teach women, but ONLY about “women’s stuff?”
- Are women restricted to only teaching other women’s groups, etc., restricted from any teaching of men?
- Will there be dinosaurs on the new earth that God will create described in Revelation 21:1?
- Who are the gods held in the judgment referred to in Psalm 82:1?
- Specifically and practically, what is the opposite of idolatry, and what is a good way to turn my heart from worshipping an idol of my heart and turn it towards God?
- Thoughts on tithing and what it says in Malachi 3:8? (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Can you please clarify that we as men learn from women all the time? Is there a specific context for this?
- What are your thoughts on Abortion?
- Answering Abortion Arguments Conference – It is the unjustified taking of human life.